SiteScan And URL Builder: The Leading Google Analytics Tools

Google Analytics is certainly the most used web analytics program. Through the years Google Analytics managed to gain an international reputation due to its ease of use as well as the numerous advanced features designed for professionals and curious webmasters. The two best Google analytics tools are:

URL Builder

Google Analytics is just as useful just as the one who set it up. To keep track of the results of a Search engines or marketing campaigns efficiently all ads on your website should be correctly tagged with the correct information. It is essential to determine the portion of your advertising or marketing campaigns are yielding results. To simplify this process simpler, you can use a tool called “URL Builder” offered by the Google Analytics Help Center. URL Builder is an application that allows users to integrate offline and online marketing efforts to your Google Analytics reports. This tool allows us to analyze scientifically under-performing or overachieving channel and allows us to make better business choices google utm builder.

Labeling all of your campaign’s links requires coding that has an URL address as well as the word “?” or other variable. Utilizing URL Builder, the URL Builder form, you are able to input your name, and then click”Generate URL. “Generate URL” button on the toolkit. The tagged URL you just created is ready to copy and paste into your advertisement. This can reduce the time you spend while you fine tune your marketing strategy because it will help you to get it right first time around.


It is Google’s SiteScan tool allows you to ensure you know that your tracking codes on all pages on your website is functioning and is being used. It’s a great tool to check the initial installation, every when new pages are put into the system and tracking code is added as well as the conversion of older urchin.js in to ga.js tracking codes. It detects the primary indications that the code was not properly set up, for example, there’s no data on the account (this could mean that the code you put in be used for tracking is either an incorrect or insufficient account number, or that the tracking code never by any was ever implemented) If, for example, if you’re experiencing a high bounce rate, and you don’t have an online blog or a simple web page , then you’ve likely forgotten to mark your home page (if you’re in this situation, the Google Analytics account will not be able to recognize any other page views). If you did not have SiteScan you could not have realized the issue until too late. Sitescan is among those tools that make it easy to identify the various pages with problems with tracking so that you can solve them, as well as more effectively use your Google Analytics Tracking codes as well as the website’s execution.

The good thing and one of the advantages of Google Analytics, is that it is often a third party whether it’s Google or a partner that is working on improving the current tools or creating brand new tools for users to take advantage of. Today, there are a myriad of plugins, tools, and even hacks that permit users to make almost every report you can imagine.